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Currently reading

Don't Get Too Comfortable: The Indignities of Coach Class, The Torments of Low Thread Count, The Never-Ending Quest for Artisanal Olive Oil, and Other First World Problems
David Rakoff
Lock and Key
Sarah Dessen
How Music Works
David Byrne
Michael Grant
September 2013
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden)
With The Eternity Cure, author Julie Kagawa has managed a rare feat. I read the first novel in this series, The Immortal Rul...
The Eternity Cure - Julie Kagawa
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: Jar City: A Thriller
I'm not precisely certain that I like Arnaldur Indriðason's Icelandic mysteries, but I certainly can't stop reading them! I ...
Jar City - Arnaldur Indriðason, Bernard Scudder
reviewed: Great and Terrible Beauty
I enjoyed this, but it isn't up to the standards of Libba Bray's newer books. I was disturbed by how quickly our heroine joi...
A Great and Terrible Beauty - Libba Bray
reviewed: Because I Said So!: The Truth Behind the Myths, Tales, and Warnings Every Generation Passes Down to Its Kids
I admit, I find Ken Jennings amusing. I loved him on Jeopardy, and I really enjoyed his last book, Maphead. This book doesn...
Because I Said So! : The Truth Behind the Myths, Tales, and Warnings Every Generation Passes Down to Its Kids - Ken Jennings
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
May 2013
**Detail/Review** This is Linda Fairstein's fourth novel about her leading lady Alexandra Cooper. Cooper is head of the Sex C...
Down a Dark Hall - Lois Duncan The Deadhouse - Linda Fairstein
May 2013
reviewed: The Snowman: A Harry Hole Novel
3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. The Snowman is the seventh book in Jo Nesbø's Harry Hole mysteries. I haven't read any of the o...
The Snowman: A Harry Hole Novel - Jo Nesbo
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood
In spite of a few reservations, I'm giving 4 stars to this compilation. As a woman in her 30s who doesn't have (and doesn't ...
No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood - Henriette Mantel, Nancy Van Iderstine
reviewed: Undone
I have to be honest - I had some major problems with Undone. This novel tells the story of Jemima, Jem for short. Her best...
Undone - Cat Clarke
finished reading:
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: Paper Towns
After all the awards heaped on John Green's "The Fault in our Stars," I felt I should give one of his novels a try. I didn't...
Paper Towns - John Green
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: Arabella
I went on a little Georgette Heyer reading binge this week. She wrote so many novels that I still haven't read them all! Ar...
Arabella - Georgette Heyer
reviewed: Frederica
In spite of my lackluster review, I remain a big fan of Georgette Heyer's novels. I always recommend them to Jane Austen fan...
Frederica - Georgette Heyer
finished reading:
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook
I don't usually review cookbooks, but I had to give a good rating to this one! I've made three recipes from this cookbook th...
The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook - Deb Perelman
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: The Beautiful Mystery: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
I just couldn't finish this one - maybe I need to start earlier in the series? I couldn't get invested in the characters.
The Beautiful Mystery - Louise Penny
reviewed: Uglies (Uglies Trilogy, Book 1)
My review is for the series as a whole. Uglies is the story of a dystopian future. All people go through surgeries at 16 to...
Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
finished reading:
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: Untimed
Charlie has never been like the other boys. For one thing, it seems that no one (not even his own mother) can remember his n...
Untimed - Andy Gavin
finished reading: